Sulaiman Aledeh: Golden Tribute for A Veteran Journalist of Integrity

By Joke Kujenya

MARCH 26, as the sun rose and shone to greet the dawn of a news day, it brought with it a momentous occasion that called for celebration and reflection.

Not a few numbers of families, friends and associates from different walks of life converged to honour a man whose presence in the realm of journalism has been nothing short of legendary – Sulaiman Aledeh, our Veteran Journalist of the Week.

After years of catching glimpses of him through the screen on Channels TV’s Sunrise Daily news magazine morning shows, our paths finally intersected in the bursting heart of Victoria Island, at Crepeaway Restaurant, on the 12th of December, 2021.

Amidst the cozy ambiance and savoury delights, from 3.00pm till about 8.30om, we delved deep into discussions on reviving investigative journalism within the Nigerian media landscape.

Our deliberations were fruitful, exchanging contacts and ideas before bidding adieu.

Yet, the spart of friendship ignited that day has continued to burn brightly. Sulaiman Aledeh remains a beacon of warmth, respect and camaraderie, a testament to his affable nature.

As we reminiscence on his illustrious journey, there’s a need to cast our minds back to one fateful day in 2012, where the stage was set on Channels TV Sunrise Daily.

Amidst the ponderings of political landscape and societal shifts, stood Sulaiman Aledeh, a beacon of insight and tenacity. His unwavering dedication to truth and accountability shone through, leaving an enduring memo on all who had the privilege to witness his brilliance.

From the corridors of investigative journalism to the limelight of prime-time news, Sulaiman Aledeh has traverses the media landscape with unparalleled grace and expertise.

His journey, marked by milestone and triumphs, stands as a testament to his unwavering commitment to the craft. But beyond the glitz and glamour of television screens lies a man of profound humanity and compassion.

Sulaiman Aledeh, a philanthropist at heart, has always sought to uplift the downtrodden and lend a helping hand to those in need. His acts of kindness, though often unseen, resonate deeply with all who have had privilege to know him.

As we mark this momentous occasion, let us not only celebrate the achievement of Sulaiman Aledeh but also the values he embodies – integrity, courage, and empathy. His legacy will continue to inspire generations of journalists to come, reminding us all of the power of truth and the importance of standing firm in the face of adversity.

So, here’s to Sulaiman Aledeh – a gentleman adorned with wisdom, wit and a heart brimming with warmth.

May this milestone birthday be but a stepping stone to even greater heights of success and fulfilment.

Happy Golden Years, dear friend and colleague. The world is truly a better place with you in it.

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