A Lady and Her Smart Bra Innovation to Save Lives

By Helen Okechukwu, JKNMedia Reporter

WHEN Kemisola Bolarinwa lost her beloved aunt to breast cancer in 2017, it sparked a journey of innovation and determination.

Unveiling her innovative invention in February 2022, Bolarinwa said she introduced it to the world as a potentially life-saving creation tagged: “A Smart Bra capable of detecting early-stage breast cancer.”

Driven by personal loss, Bolarinwa, a Nigerian robotics and embedded systems engineers, said she then poured her heart and soul into developing this revolutionary technology.

The journey wasn’t easy. She vividly recalls how, before her aunt’s battle, breast cancer was merely a distant concept heard of television or radio and read in newspapers. But witnessing her loved one’s struggle firsthand ignited a fire of compassion within her to make a difference.

As the founder and chief executive office of Nextwear Technologies, Nigeria’s pioneer wearable technology startup, Bolarinwa embarked on a mission fueled by empathy and innovation. She said that she spent countless hours in hospitals, witnessing the pain and suffering of women battling breast cancer, which only fueled her determination further.

She discloses that her Smart Bra operates on a cutting-edge ultrasound technology, ingeniously repurposed into a wearable form.

Through nanotechnology, she transformed the bulky ultrasound machines into portable devices, capable of detecting abnormalities in breast tissue with precision and efficiency.

Unlike traditional ultrasound machines, she said that her creation is equipped with a Doppler system, which identified blood clots, heart defects, and blocked arteries, to offer a new frontier in early detection.

“However,” Bolarinwa notes, “the journey towards mass production is still ongoing as she acknowledged that; “There is need for further development and extensive clinical trials.”

“There is also the need to set a timeline for potential commercialization between 2022 and 2023. But despite these hurdles, my resolve remains unwavering as I am driven by the desire to save lives and alleviate the suffering of those affected by breast cancer.”

Beyond her role as an inventor, Bolarinwa is a passionate advocate for women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fields. With over a decade of experience and a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering, she also champions Women in Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) Foundation.

She said through this nonprofit organization, she empowers women and young girls, aiming to shatter barriers and foster gender equality in technology and leadership roles.

“For me, the journey is far from over. I have a relentless spirit and an unwavering dedication to whatever I am committed to. I will continue to push the boundaries of innovation in order to leave an indelible mark on the fight against breast cancer and t inspire a new generation of changemakers in the process as long as God gives me life,” Bolarinwa remarked.

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