Katsina Govt Provides Essential Aid to Vulnerable Women & Elderly Citizens

By Helen Okechukwu, JKNMedia Reporter

IN A bid to support vulnerable segments of its society during the challenging economic times, the Katsina State government has rolled out a comprehensive aid programme at assisting women and elderly individuals in need.

Under the initiative, which was officially launched in Jibia local government area, the government distributed 25 KG bags of rice to 33,000 beneficiaries across all 311 LGAs.

Additionally, cash gifts ranging from N5,000 to N33,000 were provided to recipients to alleviate financial strain in their lives.

Announcing the programme via social media, Isah Miqdad, the governor’s senior special assistant on Digital Media, highlighted the significance of the initiative in addressing the impact of rising living costs.

Spearheaded by Governor Dikko Radda, the programme aims to offer vital support to vulnerable families to cope with the current and lingering economic realities.

Miqdad emphasized that the distribution of essential supplies and financial aid forms a crucial part of the Katsina State government’s broader efforts to mitigate economic hardships faced by its citizens, noting that it is also a part of their religious month scheme with plans underway to extend assistance to beneficiaries in the remaining LGAs.

He adds that as the distribution continues across the state, the government remains committed to ensuring that no vulnerable individual is left behind, particularly during these challenging times.

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