IKJEC Reduces Electricity Tariff for Band A Customers

By Blessing Obam, JKNMedia Reporter

IKEJA Electric Distribution Company (IEDC) has announced a reduction in electricity tariff for customers categorized under Band A.

Effective immediately, customers under this band will not pay N206.80 per kilowatt-hour (kWh), a decrease from the previous rate of N22/kWh as mandated by the Nigeria Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC).

The decision was communicated via a circular issued by the management of Ikeja Electric (IE) on Monday telling customers falling within Band A that they can expect to receive a 20 to 24 hours of electricity supply daily, with the new tariff adjustment aimed at ensuring affordability and accessibility of electricity for consumers in this category.

While the tariff for customers in Bands B, C, D, and E remains unchanged, the reduction in tariff for Band A customers is seen as a step towards improving service delivery and enhancing customer satisfaction within IE’s operational areas.

In a statement addressed to its esteemed customers, Ikeja Electric emphasized the downward review in tariff, stating: “Please, be informed of the downward tariff review of our Band A feeders from N225/kWh to N206/kWh effective 6th May 2024 with guaranteed availability of 20-24 hours supply daily. The tariffs for Bands B, C, D, and E, remains unchanged.”

The announcement comes as welcome news for customers in Band A, who, according to the IE, can now expect reduced electricity bills without compromising on the quality and reliability of provided power supply.

Similarly, the Abuja Electricity Distribution Company (AEDC) has announced a reduction in the price of electricity tariff for Band A customers from N225/kWh to N206.80/kWh in a Monday, May 6 announcement on its X tweet.

With an assurance to customers on Band A feeders of uninterrupted availability of electricity supply for 20-24 hours daily; the AEDC says tariffs for Bands B, C, D, and E remain unchanged.

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