Nigeria’s President Inaugurates Vital Gas Infrastructure Projects, Vows to Boost Energy Sector

By Joke Kujenya

PRESIDENT BOLA TINUBU, in a virtual inauguration of three landmark gas plants on Wednesday, reaffirmed his administration’s commitment to enhancing the energy sector’s investment climate.

The projects, which include the expanded AHL Gas Processing Plant, the ANOH Gas Processing Plant, and the 23.3km ANOH to Obiafu-Obrikom-Oben (OB3) Custody Transfer Metering Station Gas Pipeline, mark significant strides towards realizing the country’s gas-fueled prosperity.

Speaking from the State House, President Tinubu emphasized the projects’ alignment with the Decade of Gas Initiative and his government’s vision to harness Nigeria’s abundant gas resources for economic growth while curbing gas flaring.

He hailed the projects as instrumental in boosting industrial growth, creating employment opportunities, and enhancing energy supply to vital sectors of the economy.

The president also commended the strategic partnership between NNPC Limited, Sterling Oil Exploration & Energy Production Company Limited (SEEPCO), and Seplat Energy Plc in driving these initiatives forward.

He noted that upon full operation, the gas plants would collectively supply approximately 500MMscf of gas to the domestic market, representing a significant increase in gas supply that would benefit the power sector, gas-based industries, and other critical segments of the economy.

President Tinubu reiterated his administration’s commitment to leveraging Nigeria’s vast gas capacity to spur economic development.

He highlighted initiatives such as the Presidential CNG initiative aimed at transitioning from petrol and diesel to compressed natural gas as vehicular fuel, as well as various presidential directives aimed at incentivizing gas development.

The president called upon all stakeholders in the gas sector to embrace the theme of the inauguration, “From Gas to Prosperity; Renewed Hope,” as a rallying cry to accelerate investment and project development.

He underscored his government’s support for deepening domestic gas utilization, increasing power generation capacity, revitalizing industries, and creating job opportunities for economic growth.

In concluding his address, President Tinubu expressed pride in inaugurating the gas infrastructure projects, reaffirming his administration’s commitment to providing energy for Nigerians and leveraging the country’s natural gas resources for transformational impact.

The inauguration ceremony was attended by Chief Ajuri Ngelale, Special Adviser to the President on Media & Publicity, who highlighted the significance of the projects in advancing the nation’s energy agenda.

With this inauguration, President Tinubu’s administration signals a renewed focus on leveraging Nigeria’s vast gas resources to drive economic growth and prosperity for all citizens.

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