Akpabio Urges Continued Sino-Nigerian Collaboration in Trade and Infrastructure

By Jemimah Wellington, JKNMedia Reporter

CHINA HAS been called upon by the President of the Nigeria Senate, Senator Godswill Akpabio, to maintain and deepen its cooperative relationship with Nigeria, particularly in the sectors of trade and infrastructure development.

The appeal came during a visit by Mr. Zhang Yi, the Charge d’Affaires of the Chinese Embassy in Nigeria, to the Nigerian Senate leadership on Thursday during which Akpabio emphasized the importance of the ongoing partnership between the two nations, highlighting the positive impact on Nigeria’s economic and infrastructural growth.

According to a statement from Anietie Ekong, the Senate President’s Special Assistant on Media and Communication, Akpabio expressed gratitude towards China for its role in fostering trade and business opportunities for Nigerians.

He also noted the substantial influx of Nigerian traders and businesspersons to China, facilitated by the robust bilateral ties.

“China has been a crucial partner to Nigeria. The Chinese Civil Engineering Construction Company (CCECC) and other Chinese enterprises have significantly contributed to our infrastructure development. Their presence and technology transfer are invaluable to our progress,” stated Akpabio.

He assured that the 10th Senate would remain committed to strengthening collaboration with China, expressing delight over the renewed engagement symbolized by the diplomatic visit.

Mr. Zhang Yi, in his remarks, acknowledged the fruitful relationship between Nigeria and China, particularly in trade and infrastructure. He called for enhanced cooperation between the legislative bodies of both countries to further solidify their bilateral relations.

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