University Dean Lauds Dr. Hassan Gimba’s Excellence in Journalism

By Jemimah Wellington, JKNMedia Reporter

A DEAN of the Faculty of Arts and Education at Borno State University, Professor Abdulkarim Ishaq, has publicly commended Dr. Hassan Gimba, Publisher, Neptune Prime Online, for his exceptional contributions to journalism.

In a deeply appreciative letter, Prof. Ishaq, who also serves as Professor of Curriculum and Instruction at the University of Maiduguri, acknowledged Dr. Gimba’s invaluable role in the media industry.

The Professor, representing himself and his colleagues, expressed heartfelt gratitude for Dr. Gimba’s dedication to providing the public with critical insights into global events and developments.

He highlighted the journalist’s consistent commitment to integrity and accuracy, which has not only kept the public well-informed but also inspired many.

“Your dedication and professionalism in delivering accurate and timely news to audiences worldwide are commendable,” Prof. Ishaq stated.

He emphasized the profound impact of Dr. Gimba’s reporting on shaping public discourse and enhancing understanding.

The Dean also praised Dr. Gimba’s ability to uphold high standards in journalism, making him a beacon of excellence in the field.

He thanked Dr. Gimba for his tireless efforts and outstanding work, affirming his significant role in keeping the world informed and setting a standard for journalistic excellence.

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