Federal Workers Demand Immediate Payment of Wage Arrears from President Tinubu

By Joke Kujenya

UNDER THE banner of the Federal Workers Forum (FWF), Federal workers have issued a fervent call to President Bola Tinubu to address their outstanding three-month wage award and other accumulated arrears.

This plea came during a virtual assemblage held by the forum on Saturday.

In a communique released after the meeting, signed by its National Coordinator, Comrade Andrew Emelieze, the workers expressed grave concerns over the Nigerian government’s apparent disregard for their welfare.

The statement also highlighted the severe economic challenges faced by federal workers, worsened by a significant surge in the prices of goods and services, which have reportedly increased by over 300%.

Additionally, the devaluation of the national currency has further strained their financial stability.

Comrade Emelieze lamented the FGs cessation of the ₦35,000 wage award announced since February, describing the situation as dire and untenable for many federal employees who now struggle to meet basic needs.

He urged President Tinubu to promptly settle the three-month wage award and other pending arrears, emphasizing the urgency of the matter.

“We have observed that the Nigerian government is not taking workers seriously; the government doesn’t care about the welfare of its workers. We are really very disappointed in the government’s disposition towards workers,” read the communique.

It criticized the government’s apparent lack of empathy and responsibility towards its workforce, accusing it of playing insincere games with the new national minimum wage.

The statement continued, “Our national currency has been badly devalued. Federal workers now find it very difficult to feed and survive in Nigeria. Most unfortunately, the government has stopped the payment of the ₦35,000 wage award since February.”

Highlighting the gravity of the issue, the communique condemned the government’s failure to honour several arrears, including allowances, promotion arrears, and other payments due to federal workers.

The workers declared that they have suffered enough and that the ongoing hardship is intolerable.

In a stern warning, the forum stated, “The federal government is not permitted to borrow any amount from our contributory pension fund. We are in total support of the indefinite national strike action called by labour unions. Federal workers should ensure full compliance and a complete shutdown of all FG secretariats nationwide.”

The communique concluded with a call for solidarity from the Nigerian populace, urging them to support the federal workers’ cause.

It also proposed escalated actions, suggesting that if the government remains unresponsive after five working days into the strike, labour should lead a mass occupation of the Three Arms Zone and state government houses across the nation.

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