28th National Confab of Auditors-General in Rivers State Showcases Transparency and Hospitality

By Olaide Ajibola, JKNMedia Reporter

A DELEGATION from the Conference of Auditors-General of Local Governments in Nigeria was welcomed by Rivers State Governor Siminalayi Fubara to discuss the crucial topics of accountability and financial transparency in public sector management.

Their visit to the Government House in Port Harcourt was part of the ongoing 28th National Conference of the Conference of Auditors-General, currently being held in Rivers State.

Leading the team, Atiku Musa, Chairman of the Conference and Auditor-General for LGs in Kaduna State, addressed the media after a closed-door meeting with the governor, highlighting how firsthand experience of Rivers State contradicted the often-negative portrayals in the media.

He said he noted the state’s peaceful environment and the warm hospitality extended to them.

“The focus of our discussion was our Annual Conference, the 28th of its kind, hosted by the Rivers State Governor. We are here to express our gratitude for his willingness to host this significant event. We commend him for his exceptional efforts. Rivers State has proven to be both peaceful and welcoming, which we greatly appreciate,” Musa stated.

He also emphasized the importance of visiting the state to understand its true nature, beyond the often-misleading media reports. “Reading about a place in newspapers gives you one perspective, but visiting in person reveals the true, peaceful character of Rivers State,” he said.

It was also noted that the governor’s approval to host the conference provided the auditors with an invaluable opportunity to convene and discuss strategies for enhancing financial accountability across local governments. Musa expressed gratitude for the governor’s support, noting that the conference was initially scheduled for Port Harcourt two years ago but was delayed until the current administration facilitated its realization.

Highlighting the governor ‘s background as an accountant, Musa remarked, “Having an accountant as governor is beneficial since accountants are adept at managing resources effectively. We are grateful to the governor and the people of Rivers State for their exceptional hospitality. Our stay here has been well-organized and comfortable, reflecting the state’s commendable management.

“This conference serves as a platform for auditors-general from various states to share insights, strategies, and best practices in public financial management, reinforcing the commitment to transparency and accountability in governance,” Musa reiterated.

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