President Tinubu Trips at Democracy Day Event

By Joke Kujenya

WHILE BOARDING the presidential parade vehicle at the 2024 Democracy Day celebration held at Eagles Square on Wednesday, June 12, 2024, President Bola Tinubu experienced a brief trip.

The incident occurred as the President approached the vehicle shortly after his arrival at the venue.

Despite losing his footing momentarily, Tinubu quickly regained his balance and composure as he continued with the programme seamlessly.

He later spoke passionately about the nation’s achievements and the path forward in his speech as he focused on the pressing issue of the national minimum wage, assuring Nigerians that a new minimum wage bill would soon be presented to the National Assembly for approval.

“We shall soon send an executive bill to the National Assembly to enshrine what has been agreed upon as part of our law for the next five years or less,” Tinubu declared. Saying, “I take on this vital task without fear or favour and I commit myself to this work until we have built a Nigeria where no man is oppressed,” he proclaimed, emphasizing the government’s dedication to improving the livelihood of all Nigerians.

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