Ogun State Implements Strict Measures to Prevent Cholera

By Ajibola Olaide, JKNMedia Reporter

AMIDST THE recent cholera outbreak affecting 30 states, including neighboring Lagos, the Ogun State Government has unveiled a series of precautionary measures aimed at preventing the spread of the disease within its borders.

This announcement comes in the wake of the Eid-el-Kabir festivities, a period marked by increased travel and social interactions.

Hon. Kayode Akinmade, Special Adviser to Governor Dapo Abiodun on Media and Strategy, made this known in a statement on Saturday, emphasizing the governor’s concern about the potential health risks posed by the outbreak, especially given Ogun’s proximity to Lagos and the frequent interactions between residents of the two states.

The statement then outlined some mandatory measures:

Toilet Facilities in Residences: All houses must have toilets. Homes lacking this facility are required to convert a room into a toilet within three to six months.

Public Toilets at Petrol Stations: All petrol stations must provide functional public toilets with running water as part of their corporate social responsibilities.

Garages and Parks: These areas must be equipped with functional toilets with running water.

Marketplaces: All markets are mandated to have operational public toilets with running water.

Mechanic Villages: These facilities must also have functional toilets with running water.

Educational Institutions: Both public and private schools are required to have functional toilets with running water.

In addition to these infrastructural requirements, the state government advised residents to adopt personal hygiene practices, such as:

  • Drink safe water that is boiled or chlorinated.
  • Wash hands with soap and water after using the toilet and before handling food.
  • Properly wash fruits and vegetables with safe water before consumption.
  • Ensure food is cooked thoroughly; only buy and consume hot food.
  • Use water from reliable sources.

It was also stated that he Ministry of Environment will enforce these measures, with violators facing legal consequences to ensure compliance and protect public health.

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