Health Workers in Oyo State Announce Seven-Day Strike to Press Demands

By Jemimah Wellington, JKNMedia Reporter

THE MEDICAL and Health Workers’ Union of Nigeria (MHWUN) in Oyo State has called for a seven-day warning strike starting Monday, June 24, 2024.

The union notes that the decision aims to intensify the their demands which have remained unaddressed by the state government.

Union President, John Fabunmi communicated the directive in a notification letter distributed to members across various health institutions, including ministries, departments, and local government areas.

Fabunmi also emphasized the necessity of the strike, citing the union’s unheeded grievances despite previous reminders to the state government.

“Our grievances have not been addressed, and the current situation demands urgent action,” he stated.

The letter, referencing a prior communication dated May 27, 2024, detailed the union’s 14-day ultimatum given to the state government to resolve the issues at hand. “Despite our ultimatum, no steps have been taken to alleviate the situation,” the letter read.

As a result of ongoing discontent within the union, it was decided to proceed with a warning strike. “Our members across all health institutions, ministries, and local governments are to commence a seven-day warning strike starting at 12:01 am on Monday, June 24, 2024,” Fabunmi declared.

“Further actions will follow if our demands continue to be ignored,” he affirmed.

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