Private Poshe

A mentor on book writing engaged one of his proteges, a book lover on something.

Pessimism is not the best way to go about life but there are those moments when it’s not really about being pessimistic (negative, defeatist, hopeless, dejected, etc.) but rather being Cautious.

Also, Optimism is great but sometimes not everything comes out as anticipated…

Hear this story, (the writing guide told his student):

“Two work partners, one officially tagged as B-Rel and the other, referred to as B-Rek faced. criminal charges on a matter and investigations were conducted to ascertain each person’s level of complicity (involvement)…

A private detective (addressed as Pvt Poshe), who had earned a reputation in the past for being accurate in predicting the outcome of cases and different litigations, learnt of what happened, and secured permission to interrogate them on his own without divulging the details to anyone

He first met them separately then together.

He clarified to B-Rel, that on the strength of X-Y-Z things, there was a 95% chance that he was innocent of the allegations against him and there was also a possibility of being reinstated and even promoted.

On hearing this, B-Rek brightened up and eagerly awaited the same probable verdict. Afterall, he had heard of instances where none of the accused was found culpable after exhaustive findings were done. If his colleague had no case to answer, why should he?

Sadly, Pvt Poshe told him:

“I’m afraid sir that this might not turn out in your favour. Many of the confessional information you supplied me with are laden in between with inconsistencies and incoherencies. I’m not satisfied on the strength of what you have told me, if you will be acquitted of any wrong in all of these. Only a 15% chance exists and you know what that means “

“The inquiry agent got up to go. He’d accomplished his work. You could hear a pin drop as an uneasy silence travelled round the entire space giving the impression that while one person will leave, the other will be remanded in custody…

“And that was exactly the way events played out after a 3 weeks period. B-Rel was returned to the workplace after the management apologized to him and even granting him some compensation along being promoted.

The entire blame for what happened rested on the shoulders of his counterpart, B-Rek, who was sentenced to an 18-year jail term.

“So, you see my dear, I have related the aspects of these two men for you to realize that there are moments that a cautious person can be wrongly judged to be pessimistic because he looks unexcited while the one who looks radiant and high-spirited (like B-Rek) suddenly has his hopes dashed”

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