Tinubu and Faye Unite on Tackling Terrorism, Strengthening Democracy in West Africa

By Joke Kujenya

PRESIDENTS BOLA Tinubu of Nigeria and Bassirou Diomaye Faye of Senegal, yesterday, held discussions focusing on regional security, democratic governance, and economic development in the West African continent.

The two leaders emphasized the urgent need for a unified approach to combat terrorism, banditry, human trafficking, and poverty across the region.

Tinubu highlighted the importance of aligning the purposes and structures of West African nations to effectively address these multifaceted challenges, stressing that the cornerstone of democracy is the welfare of the people, and without prioritizing their needs, the essence of democratic governance is lost.

“West Africa must work together to defeat the hydra-headed problems of terrorism, banditry, human trafficking, and poverty,” Tinubu stated, as he also emphasized the sanctity of democratic values and constitutional order, calling for strict adherence to the rule of law and respect for judicial institutions.

President Tinubu also praised Senegal for its exemplary commitment to constitutional democracy and democratic values. He described the relationship between Nigeria and Senegal as brotherly, with a long history of cooperation and shared interests in democracy.

“We must partner to make our people the focus of our democratic commitment,” Tinubu said, stressing the importance of collaborative efforts to uphold democratic principles and ensure sustainable development in the region.

As the Chairman of ECOWAS, he invited President Faye to join forces in persuading other West African leaders to recommit to democratic governance and the rule of law.

President Faye echoed Tinubu’s thoughts, emphasizing the shared values and ideals between Nigeria and Senegal and called for the reactivation of the Nigeria-Senegal joint commission to strengthen bilateral relations in areas such as diplomacy and trade.

“With your wisdom and experience, President Tinubu, we can strengthen ECOWAS and advance our community,” Faye stated.

He highlighted ECOWAS as a beacon of regional integration and expressed confidence in Tinubu’s leadership to navigate the current challenges facing the union.

Faye stressed the importance of unity in addressing common threats like human trafficking and migrant smuggling, advocating for a collective resolve to foster economic growth and meet the aspirations of their people. “United, we are stronger,” he said, calling for a concerted effort to ensure regional stability and prosperity.

Both leaders reaffirmed their commitment to working together to enhance democratic governance and economic development in West Africa, ensuring that the region’s people remain at the heart of their efforts.

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