Abuja-Kaduna Train Services Halt Amidst Nationwide Strike

By Joke Kujenya

AS THE Nigerian Labour Congress (NLC) and Trade Union Congress (TUC) kick off their nationwide strike, the Abuja-Kaduna Train Services (AKTS) finds itself at a standstill.

Commuters were left stranded on Monday as trains ceased operations from both the Idu (Abuja) and Rigasa (Kaduna) stations.

Comrade Yusuf Kazeem, the chairman of Abuja Union of AKTS, confirmed the halt in train services, stating, “There is total compliance throughout the system as there is no train movement.”

He further explained that passengers were adequately informed in advance about the suspension of services, with most tickets being sold online and the ticket portal closed to prevent purchases.

According to Kazeem, the decision to join the nationwide strike was communicated to passengers, ensuring that they were aware of the disruption in services.

He also noted that AKTS staff members participated in the strike, further impacting operations.

With no trains operating and passengers notified of the suspension, Kazeem said both commuters and workers faced the upshots of the nationwide industrial action, adding to the pressure on the government to address the grievances raised by the labour unions.

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