Love: The Beat We Can’t Live Without

By David Onyeji

LOVE IS a choice, a constant tussle between our desire for independence and our need for connection.

It’s the delicate dance between two people, each trying to lead, yet both stumbling to the same rhythm.

And when we finally find that rhythm, oh, it’s like the drums of our ancestors beating in harmony.

Love is not just a feeling; it’s a verb.

It’s the daily choice to put someone else’s needs before our own, to sacrifice our pride for the sake of peace.

Like the palm tree that bends in the storm, flexible yet unbroken, love requires resilience and strength.

But let’s not forget the laughter.

For what is love without a dash of humour?

The silly jokes, the ridiculous fights, the moments when you look at your partner and think, “Really, I’m stuck with this person?”

In the end, love is a messy, beautiful, infuriating thing.

It’s the reason we wake up in the morning, the reason we cry ourselves to sleep at night.

It’s the oxygen we breathe, the fire that warms our souls, and the laughter that makes our bellies ache.

So, let us cherish love in all its forms – romantic, platonic, familial. Let us nurture it, laugh at it, and cry with it.

For in the end, love is the only thing that makes this crazy, beautiful life worth living.

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