Gov Abiodun Celebrates Blustery Five Years in Office and 64th Birthday

By Laide Ajibola, JKNMedia Reporter

REFLECTING ON his tumultuous yet rewarding five-year tenure during his 64th birthday and thanksgiving service, Ogun State Governor Dapo Abiodun attributed his success to unwavering faith and divine intervention.

He said this while addressing the audience, the governor recounted his unconventional rise to power saying, “The journey to becoming governor was far from ordinary,” he remarked at the Ogun State Government House Chapel in Abeokuta.

The celebrating governor said “Despite facing numerous obstacles even within my party, my predecessor campaigned against me, supporting a candidate from another party. During those challenging times, I often questioned why the path was so difficult, but I realized it was so God could take the glory.”

He also acknowledged the difficulties of governing Ogun State, describing it as one of the most significant and turbulent experiences of his life.

However, he emphasized that despite the turbulence, his administration had achieved notable victories, attributing these successes to divine support.

Highlighting his administration’s strides in economic development, Abiodun announced a significant milestone: “Ogun State is on the verge of becoming an oil-producing state.”

He shared that the Ministry of Petroleum Resources, led by Minister of State Senator Heineken Lokpobiri, along with the chairman of Shell, recently visited to announce imminent oil exploration in the state.

In response to criticisms from Ladi Adebutu, the PDP governorship candidate, regarding the 8-kilometer Sagamu-Iperu road project, the governor dismissed the remarks as uninformed underscoring his administration’s extensive infrastructure achievements, which include over 600 kilometers of roads constructed across Ogun State.

He notes, “I focus on the positive trajectory of our state rather than on baseless criticisms,” he asserted.

He also pointed out the irony in Adebutu’s comments, noting that despite the Adebutu family’s wealth, they had neglected the road running through their own community. “It is astonishing that with all their resources, they couldn’t repair the road in front of their house,” he observed.

Promising continued efforts to improve the state’s infrastructure and the well-being of its residents, the governor pledged to make life more comfortable for the people of Ogun State through ongoing development projects.

The thanksgiving service was marked by a sermon from Rev. Dr. Emmanuel Ajayi of Grace Baptist Church, Abeokuta. Citing Psalm 92:1, the preacher emphasized the importance of gratitude, stating that praising God brings more blessings to those who do so. He also encouraged the congregation to cultivate a habit of thanksgiving in their daily lives.

Meanwhile, in response to Adebutu’s criticism, the governor’s Special Adviser on Information and Strategy, Hon. Kayode Akinmade, issued a strong statement dismissing the former’s remarks as unfounded and accused him of lacking the mental capacity to evaluate the governor’s performance.

He described Adebutu as a “suspect in ongoing investigations of money laundering and electoral misconduct” and criticized him for attempting to discredit the achievements of the current administration.

Akinmade highlighted Governor Abiodun’s commendable leadership and the positive recognition it has received from the global community and advised Adebutu to focus on his legal troubles and seek rehabilitation.

In wrapping up the celebration, the governor said his administration remains committed to advancing Ogun State’s development and enhancing the quality of life for its citizens, despite facing numerous challenges and opposition.

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